5 Reasons Every Design Professional Should Have a Blog


From increased SEO and improved conversion rates to a strengthened brand and identity in the design world, blogging can bring you and your business numerous immediate and long-term benefits.

We’re often asked by our clients if we think blogging is essential to their growth strategies, and our answer every time is an unequivocal YES. From our point of view, there are several key reasons why every designer should have a regular blog:

  1. Blogs increase search engine optimization (SEO)
    Search engines love fresh content. When you blog consistently, you’re giving Google and other search engines new content to index, which increases your visibility on search engine results pages (SERPS). Statistics show that websites with regular blog updates boast 434% more indexed pages than those without blogs.

  2. Blogs establish your authority and expertise

    Blogging gives you the opportunity to share your voice—and establishes you as an industry expert and authority on your subject matter. As you consistently share information and insider tips through a blog format, you build trust—and clout—with your audience. Over time, you’ll become an increasingly valued resource for site visitors, gain credibility, and build higher client conversion rates. 

  3. Blogs strengthen your brand

    By connecting with your audience through a personal channel like blogging, you can give them a more intimate glimpse into how you magically pull everything together along the way. Clients love behind-the-scenes posts, installation stories, and project reveals. Blogging tells the story behind the curated pictures and posts by sharing aspects that make you uniquely talented. 

  4. Blogs improve conversion rates

    An active blog signifies that your website is also up-to-date and thriving. Regularly published posts build brand loyalty, audience interaction, and ultimately, conversion rates, too. Overall, ROI is more likely to increase for businesses who generate a blog with compounding posts. 

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